This Agreement governs the provision to You of a wireless internet access service and any amendments to it (the Service) to be used by You at any venue where the Service is available (Venue). This Agreement is between you and the owner or operator of the Venue (Venue Owner) and their sub-contractors (together Service Providers). By joining and using the Service You agree to be legally bound by this Agreement.

Acknowledgement and consent

  1. This Agreement may be changed at any time. All changes will be communicated to You through a link on the login page for the Service. These changes will apply to the Service when you next join.
  2. You must have obtained the permission of the owner of any device (Device) which You use to access the Service and which is not owned by You. You accept responsibility for the use of the Service on any Device, whether or not You own it. You accept that You may be charged by Your service provider for Internet access through the Device.
  3. You acknowledge and agree that internet transmissions are never completely private or secure, and that any information which You send by using the Service may be read or intercepted by a third party, even if the transmission is encrypted.
  4. You acknowledge that the internet is separate from the Service and that websites and other content accessed by You via the Service are not under the control of the Service Providers. The Service Providers are not responsible for, and do not endorse the content or privacy policies (if any) of any websites and/or content accessed by You. You are solely responsible for any interaction with any such website or content, including the purchase of any products or services accessible through them.
  5. All intellectual property rights in the Service (and its underlying technology) belong to the Service Providers or their respective licensors, and You have no rights in or to the Service other than the non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use it in accordance with this Agreement.

Provision of the Service

The Venue Owner agrees to provide the Service to You until such time as it ceases provision of the Service to You. The Venue Owner may stop providing the Service to You at any time and for any reason.

Acceptable use

You will not (and will procure that any person using Your Device does not) use the Service:

  1. For commercial or other business use
  2. For any unlawful, immoral, or malicious purpose; or
  3. To Introduce any code, virus, or data, which is harmful to the Service: or
  4. To transmit, store, publish or upload any electronic material which is likely to cause damage or limit the functionality of any telecommunications equipment or any computer software or hardware; or
  5. To infringe any intellectual property right belonging to any other party; or,
  6. To send, receive, publish, distribute, transmit, upload or download any material, which is offensive, abusive, defamatory, indecent, obscene, unlawful, or otherwise objectionable; or
  7. To invade the privacy of or harass any other person.

Limitations and exclusions

Nothing in this Agreement, shall exclude any of the Service Providers liabilities for (a) death or personal injury resulting from negligence (b) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or (c) any other liability that cannot be excluded by law. Subject to this exception:

  1. The Service is provided to You on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis, and therefore all warranties, conditions and other terms implied by statute or common-law are to the fullest extent permitted by law excluded from this Agreement; and
  2. Neither the Service Providers nor any of their affiliates, associates or resellers shall be liable to You for any losses (whether direct, indirect or consequential) caused by failures, errors, delays, or interruptions of, in, or to, the Service; and
  3. Neither the Service Providers nor any of their affiliates, associates or resellers shall be liable to You if any third party gains access to Your connection to the Service, or Your Device or destroys or damages any data or information held by You or information about You, which is held by the Service Providers.


This Agreement constitute the entire agreement between You and the Service Provider relating to the Service, and any dispute or claims arising shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales with the English courts having exclusive jurisdiction to settle any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this Agreement.